My Therapist Friends
Bring your cafecito and tune in as your favorite therapists from all walks of life have honest and open conversations.
My Therapist Friends
Episode Three: Gender
My Therapist Friends
Season 2
Episode 3
On this week's episode, we get to start a new friendship and welcome Luis Cornejo, LMFT from @psychosocial_media to our little community. Our topic of discussion is one that is near and dear to Leslie's heart and influenced by the work of our queer racialized and indigenous ancestors. Join us while we talk through how the rigid rules of the gender binary limits us ALL. Can't wait to hear how this topic sits with you. Our hope is that you are both gentle with us and yourself as you listen in.
As always, we love hearing from you so please comment and engage with us on Instagram @mytherapistfriends to continue the conversation.
Your Therapist Friends,
Leslie and Luis